Fire & Security Monitoring

Between a smoke detector and the security of a monitored fire alarm system lies a world of difference. It could be the difference between the life and death of your business — 43%* of those that experience a fire never reopen because the damage and downtime is too extensive.


Ensuring the Highest Level of Monitoring

Every hour of every day, operators in our central monitoring stations are braced to ensure you get the quickest, most appropriate resolution to any emergency. When your security or fire protection system is linked to our monitoring service, we guarantee that a break-in, fire, or any other emergency is handled immediately and tailored to the exact situation with information on file about your property.

It’s Like Having a Set of Eyes on Every Inch of Your Business 24/7/365

Our central monitoring stations is UL/FM-approved and includes a complete back-up system to ensure you receive the highest level of security to shield your property and the lives within from disaster. Our stations will monitor your:

  • Fire alarms
  • Security systems
  • Fire suppression systems
  • Fire sprinkler systems
  • Power systems
  • Environmental hazard alarms